In just 2 days, I get to go watch “A Complete Unknown”, a movie I have anxiously awaited for weeks. I purchased tickets online the first day that I could. With that said, I hope the movie doesn’t disappoint. Here’s the thing…… It’s a shortened, romanticized excerpt in the long, fantastic career of folk artist Bob Dylan who I have channeled for years in my own “unknown” life in Central Texas. How possibly could a small town Texas girl ever truly “get” the bigger essence that is Bob Dylan? Or the rebellious music scene in New York years before she was even born? Here’s the thing…… Music (an extension of literature) is interpretive. This means that each person who encounters it will do so through his / her own lens (perspective). This is one of the main reasons that English class in school is difficult for so many. The biopic “A Complete Unknown” is one producer’s vision (perspective) of Dylan’s life. It is not the movie’s job to someho...
This is the place where I write about all the random things that crowd my mind.....about family, friends and places. It is also the place where my newest writing projects and craft ideas can be found. It is, me, electronically.