As she followed the detective through the maze of cubicles, Taylor grew a bit nervous. She had never been in a police station before, and she wasn’t sure why she had been asked to speak with detectives. She felt like everyone stared at her as she continued, and she quickly catalogued all the recent indiscretions in her life. Feeling embarrassed and guilty, she glanced down as her face flushed and barely caught a glimpse as Samanta left an interrogation room further down the hallway. She wanted to say something to Sam, but she wasn’t even sure if Sam saw her. “Was that Samantha Vickers?” The detective appeared not to hear the question as he held the door open for her. Inside was a middle aged woman in an off the rack suit and cheap low heels. If Taylor knew anything, she knew clothes. Almost too surreal, the female detective tossed her head slightly and pointed to the empty chair across the table. Taylor decided to play stupid. ...
This is the place where I write about all the random things that crowd my mind.....about family, friends and places. It is also the place where my newest writing projects and craft ideas can be found. It is, me, electronically.