Oh, how amazing and beautiful the afternoon is. As I sit working on paperwork, I am listening to TCM in the background. Showing is a look behind the scenes of "West Side Story", and it caught my attention. As the presentation drew my attention from my task, I remembered so vividly the very first time I had ever seen "WSS". I was 16 years old. Although I knew about the movie, I had never seen it. It was 1983, and I was at a speech tournament at Brownwood High School. Debate and speech contestants waiting between rounds were waiting in the library. On a television in the corner was "WSS", and as I sat and watched parts of the movie, I was so enthralled. Everything to me that year took my breath away......from music to clothes, from pop culture to classic movies and literature. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. I was already familiar with Natalie Wood having watched "Splendor in the Grass" on basic cable. I love...
This is the place where I write about all the random things that crowd my mind.....about family, friends and places. It is also the place where my newest writing projects and craft ideas can be found. It is, me, electronically.