journaled 02-15-04
I recall so vividly my dream last nite. I've been reading this tiny lil' book Dream Workshop, and this morning, my dream stays frozen, clear in my mind's eye. In a town of absurd contrasts, I try to leave, but all the directions given me are dead ends, converging at some unknown place where those contrasts exist.
A city park where giraffs roam freely, a bright modern downtown surrounding a crumbling, decaying courthouse...........I find myself buying a pack of gum and gas at a station/cafe. I am waiting for my credit card. As I wait, the attendant disappears, adn line behind me grows longer. Time ticks by so slowly.
Hearing the bustle of the cafe, I turn to see well dressed groups interacting. One group of women talks about the antics of children, so I contribute an antecdote from my teaching experience. The whole store stills.
In that brief, awkward silence, my attendant returns, virtually shoving my card and receipt at me. As I quickly calculate the error I've made, a hushed rumble ensues. Patrons now speak in whispers, glaring at me. Feeling the unwelcome, I take my time to complete the transaction. Walking out the door in confidence, I enter my car where my children await, and we begin our journey again.
All in one bright instant, I see the "alternate" me screaming out for direction, for release. i see the hidden messages regarding my current dilema, and I know I must make choices for my sanity.
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Jan 16, 2008
Concrete Whispers
Life, in color, is surreal. Things seen often in sharp contrast to one another create a world of absurdities. My mind drifts to "The Twilight Zone", and I imagine a for a moment haunted glimpses of a world so long gone.
Such is a day surrounded by Concrete Whispers.
Written Dec. 26, 2003..........I realize that so much of what I "see" around me now was formed in my mind's eye before..........
It is those defining moments in our lives when we stare in awed wonder at the world around us and see so clearly the character of whom we are mirrored in the people around us. When we can look beyond where we are and see all that lies ahead and all that lies behind, we see ourselves more clearly.
Glancing around the noisy city streets, I see so many things. To take only one shapshot..........one small piece of the whole.........diminishes the whole. It is the sharp contrasts: a wedding party and homeless sax player, burgendy velvet and orange satin behind a fascade of peeling paint. And in the midst of such contrasts, I stand surrounded by so many distinct Concrete Whispers.
Sights, sounds and aromas dance mischieveously amid the glass, wood and steel, their play reflected in dazzled sunlight. As in a dream, I imagine each part of this amazing picutre, creating for myself a world so far removed from where I once was.
journaled 02-15-04
I recall so vividly my dream last nite. I've been reading this tiny lil' book Dream Workshop, and this morning, my dream stays frozen, clear in my mind's eye. In a town of absurd contrasts, I try to leave, but all the directions given me are dead ends, converging at some unknown place where those contrasts exist.
A city park where giraffs roam freely, a bright modern downtown surrounding a crumbling, decaying courthouse...........I find myself buying a pack of gum and gas at a station/cafe. I am waiting for my credit card. As I wait, the attendant disappears, adn line behind me grows longer. Time ticks by so slowly.
Hearing the bustle of the cafe, I turn to see well dressed groups interacting. One group of women talks about the antics of children, so I contribute an antecdote from my teaching experience. The whole store stills.
In that brief, awkward silence, my attendant returns, virtually shoving my card and receipt at me. As I quickly calculate the error I've made, a hushed rumble ensues. Patrons now speak in whispers, glaring at me. Feeling the unwelcome, I take my time to complete the transaction. Walking out the door in confidence, I enter my car where my children await, and we begin our journey again.
All in one bright instant, I see the "alternate" me screaming out for direction, for release. i see the hidden messages regarding my current dilema, and I know I must make choices for my sanity.
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Jan 16, 2008
Concrete Whispers
Life, in color, is surreal. Things seen often in sharp contrast to one another create a world of absurdities. My mind drifts to "The Twilight Zone", and I imagine a for a moment haunted glimpses of a world so long gone.
Such is a day surrounded by Concrete Whispers.
Written Dec. 26, 2003..........I realize that so much of what I "see" around me now was formed in my mind's eye before..........
It is those defining moments in our lives when we stare in awed wonder at the world around us and see so clearly the character of whom we are mirrored in the people around us. When we can look beyond where we are and see all that lies ahead and all that lies behind, we see ourselves more clearly.
Glancing around the noisy city streets, I see so many things. To take only one shapshot..........one small piece of the whole.........diminishes the whole. It is the sharp contrasts: a wedding party and homeless sax player, burgendy velvet and orange satin behind a fascade of peeling paint. And in the midst of such contrasts, I stand surrounded by so many distinct Concrete Whispers.
Sights, sounds and aromas dance mischieveously amid the glass, wood and steel, their play reflected in dazzled sunlight. As in a dream, I imagine each part of this amazing picutre, creating for myself a world so far removed from where I once was.
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