Glancing impatiently at her watch again and the almost invisible availability of taxis, Deandra cursed under her breath realizing she might be late for her appointment. She reached into her coat pocket, retrieved her cell phone and was dialing a cab service when she heard her name cut through the bustle of the city and the rumble of thunder.
Of all days, she thought, for the damn rain.
Ring one………no taxis in sight coming down the busy roadway.
Ring two. She stepped a little further toward the road carefully calculating how to step off the curb in her heels.
When she realized she had not imagined the voice, she turned toward the source and almost stumbled off the curb when she saw him standing there. It had been almost ten years, but she recognized Jarvis immediately.
“De? It is you,” he smiled, stepping closer, his hand out to steady her.
A whirl of emotions and thoughts flooded her mind.
Ring three. “Allied Taxi,” the voice announced.
Deandra could not find the words.
“Hello? Allied Taxi.” The impatient operator uttered a rude insult that jarred Deandra’s mind back to the task at hand.
“Uh, yea, I need a taxi.”
“State your location.”
She glanced around for a street sign, very aware that Jarvis was continuing to smile at her.
“Uh, um, I’m at Market and South Tenth, Gallery at Market East.”
“Lombard and South Seventh, the Mother of Bethel AME Church.”
“Ok, five minutes,” the operator announced.
She turned to Jarvis and smiled. “Hi,” she managed to say, barely above a whisper.
“I can’t believe it! It has been a long time. Watcha doin in Philly?” He seemed too eager, not the reserved person she remembered.
The flood of images and memories of him pierced her mind as the wind whirled through the tunnel of buildings lining Market Street. She caught a glance of City Hall with storm clouds looming. For a brief moment, Deandra Shelby forgot about everything - the bags in her hand, the approaching storm, the benefit luncheon she was impatient to get to - everything but the last time she kissed this man.
stay tuned for the continuation