Heard a devotional this morning about patience from Women of Faith. Patience is one of those characteristics many of us feel we need to improve. From the word "macrothumia" meaning long fuse. There are two Greek words that lie behind the word “patience” that is used in the English New Testament. The word used here in Galatians 5:22 is macrothumia. It’s from two words thumia from the root thumos. Thumos most commonly is translated “anger.” It originally carried the idea of a violent movement of air, of water, or a violent movement in the ground or in animals or even humans. It carried the idea of something that boils up. Or something that goes up in smoke.
I really believe women have the ability to be inspiring. A Christian woman can truly inspire others with patience, forgiveness and kindness. To me, these qualities help support and encourage others around me.
I am struggling with the possibility that my not being promoted is a personality difference with the chief. It has been a diffucult year for me with the tentative position I am in at work.
Many things this year have sometimes just kicked me down, making me feel vulnerable.
Grad school was a way for me to move out of the rut I find myself in with both of my career paths. I am frustrated. I just don't know how to get out of the rut.
But, I have learned some things about myself. I am stronger than I thought I was.
I have found support in places I least expected. I lack support from my chain of command and even from my family.
However, it has been a growth year for me.
I am in a better place than I have been.........signs of success and growth for me are being able to project out even 6 months.
Sometimes, to be a great farmer, not all seeds are going to grow. There will be times when seeds are on fallow ground, and at times, we need to prune.
Patience is important.
Sometimes, I think many things I want are denied me. I tend to associate these denials with my weight. Instead of living in denial, it is time to take steps forward.
this is transcribed from an audio journal while I was driving
this will be a day that tests my patience