A Texas Song
The heart of a woman,,,,,,hidden, deep, full of passion and desire. Known to so very few.....the Myth of the Texas Beauty and of her songs that fill the Texas air are well known. What follows is the beginning of one man's search for the woman who sings A Texas Song........
Veiled, guarded, the heart of a woman beats with a passion as hot as the Texas sun. The depth of her soul blazes brightly in her hypnotic eyes, but few have seen her soul; she guards it as tightly as her heart. Many have tried; all have failed.
Tightly guarded?? Sounds like a challenge, but worthy of a challenge for sure.
Oh, definitely worthy of a challenge, a very dangerous challenge.
Hmmm,,a dangerous challenge...a challenge that makes the prize that much more sacred when you risk all to acquire it.
Doubtful,,,for see, I know the value of the prize. Once won, I would hold it close to my heart for safekeeping, allowing no one or nothing to hurt her.
Not difficult to manage....that makes it complete. Holding her, loving her, THAT would be the challenge, after the quest of catching her, would it not???
Oh honey,,,,the quest depends upon the stamina of the chaser....she is not easy to catch. But, to hold her, to love her, one must have a truly adventurous spirit because holding her, loving her, would be the most exciting challenge of all ages.
So, the chase isn't the adventure at all?? The true adventure is holding her, loving her...he, the hunter,,,,she, the prey,,,,the hunt would never end. Sounds like pure ecstasy to me
Now that the man has discovered what the real challenge is,,,,,he prepares to search out and win the mysterious beauty who sings a Texas Song.
Ummm,,,your depth in perception is intriguing. Maybe you are worthy of the adventure after all. Wouldn't that be the first real challenge?? To see just how well you could intrigue her, to entice her to sing her songs for you??
Yes, it would be............a real challenge. Would I be up for the test though?? Could my mind stay that sharp?? Especially late at night when she prepares to sing her magical songs...and into the early morning as my mind looses its edge?? Would I loose ground,,,precious ground that never will be regained?? Oh yes!! A challenge indeed!!
Oh yes,,,,,,but what she doesn't realize, what she doesn't know, what she hasn't seen, is the armor he will bring. When she sees WHO he is, when she knows WHAT he is, when he bears his Heart, his Soul, and she sees that for what it is..............
SHE will remove those mountains for him,,,,,,the rivers she will bridge....there will be no obstacles that cannot be conquered. It is not the mind that will gain her,,,,,,but his Heart.
Yes, she will find the Oklahoma prairie as inspirational as her Texas hills. With the grey clouds wrapped around the horizon,,,she wrapped in the arms of the one she loves,,,,,a good day to have emotions pour from lips to a sympathetic ear as rain pours onto the Oklahoma soil. After a long night of chase, of hiding, searching among the Texas hills,,,,a good morning to feel the excitement build between two lovers as the thunder crackles........and the lightening emblazons the Oklahoma sky.
The man has sang a song to the mysterious beauty. Hearing his song, she listens with a cautious heart, not knowing whether to trust the man singing in response to her Texas Song.
Guarded, veiled, she dares not breathe....the song she sings is of love, a passion running deep,,,,,As the hot Texas sun slips silently beyond the edge of sight,,,,she sings of a love,,,,,the slow steady feel of his gaze.....the light, repeated touches of his hands on her breast,,,,,the hunger of his kiss,,,,,,,and ..........
His gaze,,,,,,,,,,,intent,,,,,,,,deep,,,,,,,,looking into her soul, searching her eyes,,,,bringing a slight smile to her waiting lips. The passion of her soul blazes on her lips. His hands, slow, and sure, reaching to touch, but never quite touching,,building the intensity.....and the kisses,,,,slow,,anticipation as each one is savored,,,,passion,,,,lips caressed,,,,,playful.
Ummm, she hears the song you sing in return.....echoing from the prairie,,,,the depth of your mind dances now across the Texas night. But,,,,,,,,,has the distance been bridged, has he conquered time and space to reach her,,,,,can she dare breathe waiting for him???
No, not at all,,,,,,,conquered No! He is only dreaming of one of the battles,,,dreaming of what might come,,,,,,,dreaming of what can be,,,,,,,his urge to search her out, to win her,,,,,,this drives him,,,,,,,,knowing the possibilities,,,,,,,,it sets his heart ablaze with passion and desire.
Oh?? Questions,,,,,,,,,,guarded, veiled, she waits,,,,,,silently, alone,,,,,daring not to sing her songs,,,,,daring against all hope to have one man hear her songs and sing to her in return.......a man full of love,,,,,,not dreams.......longing for one man who can challenge her mind,,,,,capture her heart,,,,,,,light her passions,,,,,and cherish her soul........the one man who lives forever in her......
The Texas beauty heard a song and thought it real,,,,,,,but learned that it was only a man's dream. Frightened, she retreats among the Texas hills afraid to sing a Texas Song.
She waits, he knows................he knows she has not seen him; he knows she has not seen his heart..he knows she has not seen inside him for who he truly is........If he could show her,,,,,,lay his heart bare.........would she open up to him.....he believes so,,,,,,for he knows......That the good inside him can triumph....So he looks and waits....Looking for the opening,,,,,,,Looking for the time.........He can show her,,,,,,,,,,,himself. The day,,,,,,,,,,,,the day she realizes,,,,,,,,,her wait is over.....
As Dawn approaches,,,,,,,the Texas beauty hears a new song echoing from the Oklahoma prairie.
The Texas sky is ablaze with sunshine, and the song she hears echoing from the Oklahoma prairie sets her dreams ablaze too......does she dare hope?? against all her heart,,,,against the yearning beginning to build in her soul, she must flee now, flee from the song,,,,,,,,,others approach her.............she doesn't want to share this song........heart breaking,,,,,,,,she fears she'll never hear it again.
She fears he would not be sincere,,,,,that he would be here for a moment and only abandon her.......She doesn't realize his commitment.....She doesn't realize his sincerity.....She doesn't realize his song is not hollow or vain.......Another mountain to climb....another obstacle to over come,,,,,,,,,,,,Can he get over these????
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