My newest indulgance, a simple pleasure really, is the magazine "Real Simple". The newsstand price is $4.99, but I often can pick up a month old version at Half Priced Books for $1.98 or less. The January 2011 issue has an article about what makes one happy. Charles Shulze said 50 years ago that simple things such as french fries and a warm puppy make him happy. Readers sent in a variety of responses.
In reflection, I thought about my own list of what makes me happy, and I realized it has been quite a while since I journaled my list.
1. Days like today.........early spring when the weather is still cool enough to have the windows open and the song birds are out.
2. The sounds of life in my house..........the washer/dryer and hum of the refrigerator.
3. Sharing in my daughters' lives.
4. Cooking.
5. Long shadows in early dusk.
6. A really good book. The last one I read was Paulo Coelho's "11 minutes: A Novel".
7. Learning something new........anything.........a new craft or concept. Lately new things in my life are very spiritual and psychological.
8. Teaching others.
9. Exploring new places...........especially historic places.
10. Flirtatious conversations with a man I like.
11. My constant walk with My Savior.
Over the years, I often take a day or two each year to create my own list of happiness. Putting things in perspective makes dealing with the unhappy days much easier, and having the list to refer to keeps me grounded on my priorities. It is not having clear priorities that causes so much confusion in humans. Without clear directions, we tend to meander aimlessly. I am always telling my daughters to create lists.............what needs to get done, goals, ect. Melanie reminds me often she hates lists. I honestly cannot exist with them.
Kaitlyn blames al my lists on my OCD.
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