*huge fight with Mark that had me re-evaluating my whole dating perspective
*things @ work beginning to settle down again after a month of personal turmoil
*SAFVIC training on Sunday that illuminated some important issues in my career
*the realization that I love love love Jeff as my new best friend
*beginning to formulate a plan to go to law school
*pro-active thinking is the only way to live my life...........no more living in a darkened reactionary status
*lined out my last 3 semesters of grad school........it is almost over
*got my Advanced Telecommunicator License from TCLEOSE
*for the 1st time in my life, I truly understand that God is the only thing that matters
*is excited that Butler University made it to the NCAA finals
*finally watched "Eight Men Out" and did a google search of "Shoeless Joe Jackson"
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