Gazing into the countryside as she drove back to Austin, Ilsa winced. Even though it was only early August, the dying landscape looked eerily like the mid-winter. Intermingled among fading green were the brown leaves of dead trees. Ilsa wondered what this same landscape would look like in spring, whether any of the trees would survive. All other vegetation had been brown for weeks.
The radio provided consistent updates on Hurricane Irene. She thought about the few people she knew living on the East coast and said a prayer for their safety. Laughing to herself, she thought it crazy she would welcome the hurricane in Texas. The summer had seen over forty straight days of temperatures over 100 degrees. The drought was in its third year, and most of the state was under water restrictions. Increased water and electricity rates exacerbated the heat.
She wanted to think about anything except Cassandra.
Cassandra.........her first child, her heart.
The last week had been surreal.............a wreck, an arrest and now Cassandra's own admission of violence from her boyfriend. Ilsa's tears surprised her.
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