I have been developing a "Stress and Telecommunicator" class to teach this summer. All the research so far suggests that stress among coworkers stems from 2 main issues: work ethics / integrity and personal hygiene / cleanliness. Many other factors contribute to stress, but most people I've polled make point to issues with coworkers as the biggest stress factors. I've been mulling this over in my mind for a few days, and this morning, I kept hearing the expression "make a hand" whisper to me.
Growing up, a strong work ethic was one of the major character foundations laid by my parents. My dad was always busy, and when chores were assigned to the kids, expectations were that the chores would be done. I remember my dad saying on more than one occassion, "make a hand". When my siblings and I began to look for jobs, the advice given consistently was to "make a hand". Because I grew up hearing this and saw it demonstrated in the actions of my parents, I have been fortunate to understand fully all the components of the expression.
The term derives from Old West vernacular and was used to define the work ethic needed to work as a farmer / rancher. Today, the expression is used mostly in poker playing. If a cowpoke (helper) could not pull his own weight, he was useless to a ranching operation. I have thought about the true simplicity of the expression and how each person can derive meaning from the expression.
On Grey's Anatomy, Dr. Shepherd asked Dr. Bailey how she always seemed to give such great advice. She responds by saying, "use a metaphor". She then explains that when you give a person specific advice, the responsibility of the failure of the advice is then assigned to the advice giver. If, however, a metaphor is used, each person derive his/her own meaning from the metaphor. That made me think about several conversations I've had with my mother. Sometimes I will call her knowing she will not give me advice, but in talking through the situation with someone, I find my own answer.
It seems ingenious to me now......................I know that in trying to direct others, a person can truly only be a sounding board, providing well placed metaphors to allow the other to make decisions for him/herself. This is the basis of most of the Bible stories............parables that allow each person to draw out meaning.
Make a Hand.....................this means "work hard, do a good job, do not slack off". The idea is that each person doing a job should pull his/her own weight. My first job was working at Chick Fil A, and the supervisor was Carol. She was an older short woman with very friendly eyes and a stern voice. Her favorite expression was "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean". This has stuck with me all these years. That expression goes along with "idle hands are the devil's playground".
The term derives from Old West vernacular and was used to define the work ethic needed to work as a farmer / rancher. Today, the expression is used mostly in poker playing. If a cowpoke (helper) could not pull his own weight, he was useless to a ranching operation. I have thought about the true simplicity of the expression and how each person can derive meaning from the expression.
On Grey's Anatomy, Dr. Shepherd asked Dr. Bailey how she always seemed to give such great advice. She responds by saying, "use a metaphor". She then explains that when you give a person specific advice, the responsibility of the failure of the advice is then assigned to the advice giver. If, however, a metaphor is used, each person derive his/her own meaning from the metaphor. That made me think about several conversations I've had with my mother. Sometimes I will call her knowing she will not give me advice, but in talking through the situation with someone, I find my own answer.
It seems ingenious to me now......................I know that in trying to direct others, a person can truly only be a sounding board, providing well placed metaphors to allow the other to make decisions for him/herself. This is the basis of most of the Bible stories............parables that allow each person to draw out meaning.
I have resesrch Tramel Trammel Trammell in Middle TN. There was Two Tramels which one was named Phillip Served with Captain Benjamin in tge Revolution and later would Build the Iron Bridge across the Red River in Adams Tennessee. This is from memory when I researched tramel and the settlements in Smith County Tennessee (now Dekalb County) on Indian Creek near Smithville TN. The John, Thomas, Dennis, William, were I think the recipients or in part Land Grant from the Rev. War. I think or have read in the ninties about their ties to Daniel. Samuel's Father. Dennis Father of Sharick 1843 Father of Dennis, Father of Marvin My Father. Tramel goes Way back in American History. I had much research from the State and other sources. I had commented in the ninties on Genealogy.com and others regarding the Tramel. Shardrick fought in the Civil War and Married Mary. I think he meet her while in the Indiana Regiment. They would become known as the Snows Hill Tramels where they lived after Indisn Creek which is now impounded by the water of the Center Hill Dam.
ReplyDeleteRon Tramel
Tramco Industrial ret.