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It doesn't happen often, but last night I was up until 3 a.m. watching the remaining episodes in season 1 of"The Blacklist", the NBC drama series about criminals helping law enforcement and law enforcement helping a criminal.  I had seen the preview for this series last year, but for several reasons did not watch it during it's normal season.  My interest in the show had more to do with James Spader than with the premise.  I have been in love with James Spader since 1986 when I saw "Tuff Turf".  I think it is telling of me who I fell in love with in the 80s - the clean cut boys who end up in a town and stir up problems, often rescuing the troubled or misunderstood girl.  Think Kevin Bacon in "Footloose", and a clear picture of this boy emerges.

Spader played the sleazy Steph in "Pretty in Pink".  I loved him in that role just because he was James Spader.  After 1987, I have not seen many of the movies / roles he's played.  I did catch him in the "Stargate" movie in 1994 and was so mesmerized again by his dreamy eyes and his slow drawl.  For this reason, I was not too excited about watching his horrible character in "Boston Legal" or "The Practice" although the few episodes I've seen remind me of how versatile and talented he is.  At the time when BL and TP were playing, I was busy raising my 3 children alone and working, so the little bit of time I had for television series were spent on other shows.

Thanks to Netflix, I had the opportunity to watch "The Blacklist".  What started as a casual experience - the background filler during my lunch break- turned quickly into an obsession.  I watched all of season 1 in about a week.  His portrayal of Raymond Reddington makes me want to meet him.  That feeling of wanting to meet another person has only happened one other time in my lifetime.............ironically, with Robert Downey Jr.

It is not surprising the two are friends. They played in "Tuff Turf" and "Less than Zero" together, and Spader will be in the upcoming "Avengers" film.  I can't wait.  I am anxiously awaiting the season 2 premier of "The Blacklist" so I can continue my Red obsession.


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