You must devote yourself to prayer with an open mind and a grateful heart.
What are you devoted to? What gets the most of your time and attention?
We should devote ourselves to our walk in our faith and devotion to prayer and service.
We get so sidetracked - you know those detours - lost sometimes, even that we forget where we're going. It's easy to do.
Somehow each of us needs a daily reminder, the daily devotion, that allows us to remember what we should be doing.
At times, we can each be the prodigal. I remember the first time I read the story. Asking myself if I
possibly had ever been - or even currently was - a prodigal, I realized that each day we are all the prodigal. In life, we are struggling on each step of our journey.............struggling for truth, direction, confidence, patience, faith...........the list is endless. So much negative talk enters into our path, and we soon find ourselves on a horribly destruction detour.
It is only through a devotion to our walk, to prayer and meditation that we can remain focused on God's message. So, in returning to the question: what are you devoted to> What gets the most of your time and attention?
Even if we justify our attention to something other than God - i.e. kids, work, life - taking our eyes off of God and of his plan for our lives only serves to distract us, to detour our journey. Time is truly to valuable to waste on such detours.
I have struggled on this detour as much - maybe even more - than others. As I continue daily to walk in faith, I must remember that the detour serves only to keep me away from a peace, from God's grace, that will sustain me. Every road is filled with obstacles, even the one we are meant to be traveling.
The image of the father welcoming the son is one that I treasure in my spirit. Some days I can visualize my heavenly father welcoming me in the same manner. Like a frightened child retreating to the comfort of a parent's arms in a terrifying storm, I often need the comfort and support of my Father during the stress and trauma of my life. When others tell me that I have so much strength, so much faith, I give credit to God's unfailing grace. I know each time I weather a storm that I am being carried. I have not always felt this way. There are even still times now when I am unsure. Just as a child learns to trust new abilities, learning to turn to God first and rely on His grace before allowing anxiety to overtake me takes repeated practice. Remain diligent in your journey and faith.
possibly had ever been - or even currently was - a prodigal, I realized that each day we are all the prodigal. In life, we are struggling on each step of our journey.............struggling for truth, direction, confidence, patience, faith...........the list is endless. So much negative talk enters into our path, and we soon find ourselves on a horribly destruction detour.
It is only through a devotion to our walk, to prayer and meditation that we can remain focused on God's message. So, in returning to the question: what are you devoted to> What gets the most of your time and attention?
Even if we justify our attention to something other than God - i.e. kids, work, life - taking our eyes off of God and of his plan for our lives only serves to distract us, to detour our journey. Time is truly to valuable to waste on such detours.
The image of the father welcoming the son is one that I treasure in my spirit. Some days I can visualize my heavenly father welcoming me in the same manner. Like a frightened child retreating to the comfort of a parent's arms in a terrifying storm, I often need the comfort and support of my Father during the stress and trauma of my life. When others tell me that I have so much strength, so much faith, I give credit to God's unfailing grace. I know each time I weather a storm that I am being carried. I have not always felt this way. There are even still times now when I am unsure. Just as a child learns to trust new abilities, learning to turn to God first and rely on His grace before allowing anxiety to overtake me takes repeated practice. Remain diligent in your journey and faith.
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