The only real resolution for 2016 is to strengthen my relationships, especially my relationship with God. Instead of spending my morning playing Words with Friends or scrolling through Pinterest, I grabbed my bible and decided to read. I searched for a woman's bible study online, but was very disappointed that most of what I found was shallow or asked me to purchase a book or workbook. I've been here before.

Three years ago, I began a similar journey. I made going to church a priority, and I spent time reading the bible frequently. What happened?
Like so many others I've spoken to over the years, I couldn't maintain the enthusiasm because I was drifting alone in a large sea. Today, it became more clear to me. The picture I had in my head of what a Christian woman should be keeps tripping me up.
After 20 minutes of searching for some "fix" to my problem, I decided to tackle it the same way I'd tackle a problem student or other difficult situation. Here are the steps I take:
What do I think the problem is?
What would I like to see changed?
What will it look or feel like if a change occurs?
What do I hope to get out of it?
What are my own limitations to solving this problem?
What do I have already? What do I need?
The problem is that I feel disconnected from some part of myself that I used to have, especially my relationship with God. I am struggling to "define" what the missing part is and worse, I can't seem to make sustainable changes. (think relapse)
Changes I would like to see include more personal conversations and interactions with others. More importantly, I want to "feel" connected and involved and to not feel like an outsider looking in.
If sustainable changes can be made, it would feel like it used to - meaning, I would feel that others valued me and my contributions as a whole. I would stop feeling like an outsider looking in. What it would look like would be less alone time and more engagement with others.
Selfishly, what I hope to get out of this is a return to a point in my life before bitterness and disillusionment stole my joy. I used to be involved in a church family - children's class, choir member, bible study. Now, I rarely even attend church, and I have only a couple of personal connections outside myself.
Limitations include fear and grief. Even working with a counselor, I still struggle with crippling fear and anxiety. Boy, am I jaded.
I possess so many wonderful skills to overcome this, but what I need is a strong mentor.
And just like that, I have outlined for myself a way to approach the problem. What I need a bible study to help me with is to face my limitations and then strengthen my resolve.

Three years ago, I began a similar journey. I made going to church a priority, and I spent time reading the bible frequently. What happened?
Like so many others I've spoken to over the years, I couldn't maintain the enthusiasm because I was drifting alone in a large sea. Today, it became more clear to me. The picture I had in my head of what a Christian woman should be keeps tripping me up.
After 20 minutes of searching for some "fix" to my problem, I decided to tackle it the same way I'd tackle a problem student or other difficult situation. Here are the steps I take:
What do I think the problem is?
What would I like to see changed?
What will it look or feel like if a change occurs?
What do I hope to get out of it?
What are my own limitations to solving this problem?
What do I have already? What do I need?
The problem is that I feel disconnected from some part of myself that I used to have, especially my relationship with God. I am struggling to "define" what the missing part is and worse, I can't seem to make sustainable changes. (think relapse)
Changes I would like to see include more personal conversations and interactions with others. More importantly, I want to "feel" connected and involved and to not feel like an outsider looking in.
If sustainable changes can be made, it would feel like it used to - meaning, I would feel that others valued me and my contributions as a whole. I would stop feeling like an outsider looking in. What it would look like would be less alone time and more engagement with others.
Selfishly, what I hope to get out of this is a return to a point in my life before bitterness and disillusionment stole my joy. I used to be involved in a church family - children's class, choir member, bible study. Now, I rarely even attend church, and I have only a couple of personal connections outside myself.
Limitations include fear and grief. Even working with a counselor, I still struggle with crippling fear and anxiety. Boy, am I jaded.
I possess so many wonderful skills to overcome this, but what I need is a strong mentor.
And just like that, I have outlined for myself a way to approach the problem. What I need a bible study to help me with is to face my limitations and then strengthen my resolve.
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