And tortured nights
Struggling just to struggle
No chance in the fight

Round and round she goes;
Where she stops . . .
Jaded now but once so real,
She’s always working, making deals
With life and fate, her frenemies,
Reaching beyond merely what she sees.
Coming up empty
In the land of plenty
Gruelling , thankless days
And long, sleepless nights;
Struggling just to struggle
No chance in the fight;
Round and round she goes…
Orchestral music and greasy fries
Grasping at nothing, too late to realize
The twin deniers fate and life
Throw the game, create the strife;
Round and round she goes…
One bill paid but two past due;
Looking always for one lost shoe
Life promises, but then fate steps in
Blocking all her attempts for just one win;
Round and round she goes…
Coming up empty
In the land of plenty;
Bored, apathetic days
And pain filled nights
Struggling just to struggle
No chance in the fight.
Round and round she goes,
Where she stops. . .
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