With the dawn of this beautiful second day of 2018, I woke with the whisper of promises. It's ironic in so many ways -- life! My students have been doing "issue projects" this year. Designed to challenge them to represent their feelings about important issues, I've learned more about my own issues, I feel.
In addition to addiction, co-dependency and enabling are behaviors / words that must be addressed for true recovery to happen. Over the years as I've struggled with my own reactions to the addiction issues and attended Al-Anon, I've learned many things about healthy lifestyles and true recovery. From an early age, I've prayed for and sought recovery for my family. In many ways, so much of my jadedness comes from an unfulfilled wish, an unanswered prayer, for recovery in my own family. When my daughters became addicts - well.............not only were my childhood prayers / hopes unrealized, but the disease had spread through me to my children; and that is when all my faith disappeared.
I desperately wish I could write an epic story of love, forgiveness, recovery and renewal. Slowly, as bits and pieces of my own recovery, my own faith, have returned to me, I still feel so overwhelmed, so jaded by it all.
I know I will re-read this later and think to myself that I am rambling. I knew I had something to say, needed to shout loudly in an attempt to purge the chaos from my own mind, so I've allowed the thoughts just to pour forth without censure.

Enabling - this is how I was able to pass the disease of addiction through to my children. It took me too long to realize my error, and I know I bear some responsibility for the current situation for my oldest daughter. Enabling is a learned behavior, and regardless of the reason a person enables another's addiction, enabling plays a role in the continued addictive behaviors.

I desperately wish I could write an epic story of love, forgiveness, recovery and renewal. Slowly, as bits and pieces of my own recovery, my own faith, have returned to me, I still feel so overwhelmed, so jaded by it all.
I know I will re-read this later and think to myself that I am rambling. I knew I had something to say, needed to shout loudly in an attempt to purge the chaos from my own mind, so I've allowed the thoughts just to pour forth without censure.

Enabling - this is how I was able to pass the disease of addiction through to my children. It took me too long to realize my error, and I know I bear some responsibility for the current situation for my oldest daughter. Enabling is a learned behavior, and regardless of the reason a person enables another's addiction, enabling plays a role in the continued addictive behaviors.
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