I am not ok.
I want to be, but I am not ok.
As the last, precious minutes of a weather induced 4 day weekend draw to an close, I sit in numbed silence trying to piece the mangled pieces of my life into a semblance of order.
I am not ok.
My heart aches for a world that existed once. My soul bleeds for the chaos that faces so many in our country. I keep hoping that I am overthinking it; I just don't feel that is true.
I am exhausted, and I am not ok.
No wonder the retreat of my precious home offers the only comfort lately. Here, in contentedness, I can script my hours. I chose music or movies that feed my soul. I prepare healthy food to nourish and heal my body, and I shut out any and all intrusions with swift deliberations.
Exhaustion can do that. It can blind reality. Maybe it's my age or the unbearable weight of responsibility I bear - it seems to get harder and harder to find strength. For the first time in my life, I struggle to find the strength and courage I need to push through a week.
Also, I have removed my the last addiction in my life - food. Where I would once turn to sugary baked goods when I felt this strong sense of panic, now I must redefine my needs. I must address the anxiety and establish new pathways in my brain. It is exhausting.
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